31st July, '09
I joined a virtual cause called 'Conservation International' today. I joined it, no doubt, except I don't see how I can help except by joining, and probably donating some money. An indirect manner of conservation...?
I have always, as far back as I can remember been really into the whole conservation thing. I have very meticulously all my life remembered to bring back chocolate or other plastic wrappers back home to throw in the dustbin. I have always remembered to close the tap while brushing, and switch off the lights and fans in a room when I am leaving it. I have also, as far as possible tried to buy veggies from the local vegetable vendor rather than from the fancy 'Reliance' and 'Food World', even if it meant lesser variety for higher prices. But what more can I do?
Why has it always been so hard to organise a tree-planting community project, or to try and get the people from my neighbourhood to clean up the lake nearby, that is beginning to look more and more like a sewer each day? Leave alone getting people to stop bursting crackers on Diwali, the day after Diwali, I can't even take the initiative to get the kids from the block to clean up the paper from the streets. Instead we all wait for the MCH workers to come and clean up our useless mess.
It's difficult to explain to an average Indian, the importance of being environmentally conscientious. The concept is still alien to the housewife next door or the man sitting at the Kirana Shop opposite my house. To bring it up amongst these people means inviting ridicule, questioning and unwanted attention. Or at least, that is the fear. But it is a very necessary step needed to be taken as early as possible. It is the urban, ignorant, average middle-class Indian who is causing most of this mess. He needs to know about the consequences of his everyday actions. And he constitutes the majority of India's population.
Even if I can transform one such person in my life into an everyday practising conservationalist, I would've done my bit for conservation. The seed would have been planted, or rather dispersed into the wind, to fly in different directions and transform the world.
Why I'm Not There
CHRISTMAS EVE VISITORS Family and friends are celebrating these holidays
together at Chico Hot Springs. I haven’t been there since childhood and
would like...
2 years ago